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The four steps of the ultimate skincare ritual

Everyone has a unique skin profile. What works for your mom, sister or daughter won’t necessarily work for you — even though you may share the same genes. This is why your skincare ritual is so important. It’s uniquely you and it only takes four steps.  

Here’s the thing: your skincare ritual doesn’t need to be complicated for you to see desired results. It needs to be consistent. Every morning and evening, you only need five minutes and your skin will love you for the small block of time you take to show your skin some love.

We’ve broken down the four steps to the ultimate skincare ritual and how to get the most from your products. 


Step 1: CLEANSE 

While all the steps are important, washing your face is the foundation of any skincare ritual. Daily cleansing (morning and night) ensures proper removal of traces of dirt, excess oil, and pollutants. Without a wash, your skin can accumulate dirt and oil which cause breakouts and premature aging. 

We are fans of the double cleanse method, but when done well a single cleanse is super effective. 

Ritual: Apply a pea-sized amount of your favourite Ativo cleanser to a wet face, massaging in circular motion for 60 seconds to fully break down oil, debris, and makeup. Rinse thoroughly with water and pat face dry.

Step 2: TONE 

Toning resets your skin’s pH after the cleanse. (Many cleansers have a higher pH to remove dirt and bacteria.) Your toner also removes any possible last trace of impurities from your pores.

Ritual: Spray your Ativo toner directly on your face or apply gently with a saturated cotton ball or pad to Regular use of toner will also have a positive impact on the appearance and tightness of your pores.

Step 3: SERUM 

Serums are usually applied before your moisturizer to lock in moisture. The reason for this is that serums can provide hydration and other benefits more effectively by doing deeper into the skin. 

Ritual: Place a large drop of your Ativo serum in your (clean) palm or directly onto your face. Gently massage the serum across your face and on your neck in a circular motion until everything is absorbed.


Moisturizing can help to reduce irritation with skin. These irritations include dryness, extreme oiliness and redness — all of which in their extreme can be harmful for skin and cause common skin conditions like acne. 

Ritual: Scoop up a small amount of your Ativo moisturizer on your finger and use both hands to gently massage your cream in an upward circular motion. Take care not to pull or drag the delicate skin.


Good skin takes time and patience. Finding a daily skincare ritual can be trial and error, but the key to finding the right products for you is to know your skin behaviour. 

And most importantly, remember that there’s no quick fix for your skin. We recommend trying a new product for at least four weeks (one skin cycle) as that’s how long it takes your skin to adjust to a product. 

Skincare Ritual: The Ultimate four steps

Curious about what products might work best for you? Take our skincare quiz!

Share your skincare ritual with us by tagging @ativoskincare on Instagram!

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