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Please Note:Free shipping over $150

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Skincare Trends in 2021

From eating and cleaning habits to mask-wearing and figuring out what we actually can do on a day-to-day basis, the pandemic has changed so many aspects of our everyday lives and routines. This includes skincare. There are quite a few skincare trends out there — some are great, some are not — but there are four we are especially on board with. They involve being more mindful, and we are here for it. Let’s explore our favourite 2021 skincare trends.

Skin Minimalism

A rising trend that has transferred from 2020 into 2021 is skin minimalism. You might wonder “skin what?!”, but this is high up on the list for us at Ativo because it’s a big part of our brand ethos. Skincare doesn’t have to and shouldn’t be about the number of products you use — but the quality of them. And while staying home for much of 2020 wasn’t fun, not wearing makeup gave our skin a chance to BREATHE. And yes, mask-wearing has brought about maskne, but there are simple ways to mitigate this. These include:

  • Taking a break from makeup
  • Regularly changing masks throughout the day
  • Cleanse, tone and moisturize (only three steps!) as soon as you get home


Eco-friendly and sustainable skincare is the way of the future. The slow-burning trend of moving from single-use to eco-friendly packaging has really caught on with the majority of brands. We pride ourselves on using thoughtful packaging by using glass wherever possible and ensuring everything is recyclable. Even our packing peanuts are biodegradable. Order arrivals in the mail have turned into a fun activity as adults and kids alike love dissolving the cornstarch kernels in water! (If you know, you know.)

You can also take things one step up from recycling: Check out our recent blog on how to upcycle and turn your Ativo containers into something new and useful.

Relaxing Skincare

With the daily stresses of the pandemic and our busy day-to-day lives, we all need ways to relax and unwind after a long day. The COVID era is anything but relaxing — so our skincare should be. Vitamin C is key to revitalizing tired and stressed skin and it inspired us to create our highly effective, yet gentle, Vital-C line.

Other products we recommend to give your skin a boost are:

Healthy Scalp-care

Scalp-care is an often underrated extension of skincare. This blows our minds because your scalp deserves just as much love as the rest of your epidermis. If we don’t take care of our scalps, build-up, irritation, itchiness, flakes, and other issues can pop up — particularly from chemicals often found in shampoos. Check out our best-selling shampoos for their effective, natural ingredients and top-notch lather.

Which skincare trends are you on board with?


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